الخميس، 13 سبتمبر 2018

home remedies for ear congestion in adults

home remedies for ear congestion in adults

Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil is one of best home remedies for . It has been used to cure ear and nasal congestion thanks to mucus since a long time. Especially, it can alleviate congestion and thin out the mucus. For best results, you should take a bowl of steaming hot water and then add eucalyptus oil (a few drops) to it. Lastly, you take your head above the bowl in order to get the full steam and next to cover your head with a towel. You had better keep it for about 10 minutes for instant relief.


Chamomile is also considered as one effective home remedy for ear congestion owning to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. You can make chamomile tea or add it to the steam treatment. It is recommender to drink two cups of chamomile tea every day for treating your ear congestion. Another option is to add some chamomile herb to the bowl of steaming water.

Ginger Tea

As you know, ginger is one of the oldest treatments for health care. Especially, it is an useful remedy for easing ear congestion thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic qualities. For best results, you should consume two cups of ginger tea per day to reap the ginger benefits

Garlic Oil

Garlic oil is another effective home remedy for ear congestion due to its antiseptic properties. For instant results, you heat garlic (two smashed cloves) with olive oil. Afterwards, let it cool and next to add about 3 drops in the troubled ear. Lastly, you drain your ear after one minute and feel immediate relief.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is another great home remedy for ear congestion. For good results, you add the oil (a few drops) into the affected ear with a dropper. Next to let it work on the ear congestion for 5 to 10 minutes and then clear the softened material with the ear bud


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