الخميس، 13 سبتمبر 2018

home remedies for ear congestion in adults

home remedies for ear congestion in adults

Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil is one of best home remedies for . It has been used to cure ear and nasal congestion thanks to mucus since a long time. Especially, it can alleviate congestion and thin out the mucus. For best results, you should take a bowl of steaming hot water and then add eucalyptus oil (a few drops) to it. Lastly, you take your head above the bowl in order to get the full steam and next to cover your head with a towel. You had better keep it for about 10 minutes for instant relief.


Chamomile is also considered as one effective home remedy for ear congestion owning to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. You can make chamomile tea or add it to the steam treatment. It is recommender to drink two cups of chamomile tea every day for treating your ear congestion. Another option is to add some chamomile herb to the bowl of steaming water.

Ginger Tea

As you know, ginger is one of the oldest treatments for health care. Especially, it is an useful remedy for easing ear congestion thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic qualities. For best results, you should consume two cups of ginger tea per day to reap the ginger benefits

Garlic Oil

Garlic oil is another effective home remedy for ear congestion due to its antiseptic properties. For instant results, you heat garlic (two smashed cloves) with olive oil. Afterwards, let it cool and next to add about 3 drops in the troubled ear. Lastly, you drain your ear after one minute and feel immediate relief.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is another great home remedy for ear congestion. For good results, you add the oil (a few drops) into the affected ear with a dropper. Next to let it work on the ear congestion for 5 to 10 minutes and then clear the softened material with the ear bud

How to cure stomach flu naturally at home – 7 tips

How to cure stomach flu naturally at home – 7 tips

1. Maintain Hydration:

The first tip on how to cure stomach flu is keeping hydration because stomach flu will make you dehydrated. It is possible for your body to lose more fluids than you take when you suffer from viral gastroenteritis. It is suggested that you should keep your child with stomach flu hydrated. We all know that water is good. However, if the patients get diagnosed with flu stomach, drink water is not effective enough. It is important to supply enough minerals and salts that are lost when you have stomach flu. Therefore, I suggest electrolyte drink which is an oral rehydration for you. This solution is available in every local store. Although special sport drink is well-known as effective way on how to maintain hydration, it is not good for young children. Moreover, you need to stay away from milk, beverage which has acid or caffeine because these foods can lead to belly problems.

2. Banana: 

If you want to ask for theon how to cure stomach flu, banana is the best idea. The patients can eat banana daily or add a few slices of banana into a cup of yogurt in order to achieve the greater results.

3. Do Not Eat Solid Foods:

If you are suffering from stomach flu, you should stop eating solid foods for a few days. The possible reason may be that solid foods can worsen the symptoms of gastroenteritis including. When you avoid eating solid foods, it is important to make sure that you consume enough the nutrients and nourishments in order to let your body heal itself. As the author, I would like to recommend the product Ensure for you. Ensure is the drink that is the great source of vitamins, electrolytes. After a few days, when you start eating solid foods again, please do it gradually. Immediate rushing back into the solid foods, for example a hamburger will make your stomach upset.

4. Try The Brat Diet: 

As the way on how to cure stomach flu, the Brat diet is effective. This diet includes apples, rice and toast. If you experience the symptoms of stomach flu like vomiting, diarrhea, following the brat diet will make you feel better. The reason may be that fiber in the brat diet is easy to consume and digest. Although the brat diet should not be consumed sustainably, it is the solution for patients with stomach flu.

5. Proper Hygiene:

It is important to wash your hand with soap especially when you go to bathroom. Wash your hands before and after eating or sharing the objects with patients who get diagnosed with stomach flu in order to avoid infection.

6. Lemon Juice: 

Lemon juice is one of the effective home remedies on how to cure stomach flu naturally.  should be added into your daily diet. By adding a teaspoon of lemon juice into a glass of warm water, this solution will help you ease the symptoms of stomach flu. For the better result, you can drink tea with lemon and mi

7. Ginger: 

 also helps patients to cure stomach flu symptoms. In order to take this treatment, you should boil grinded ginger in a cup of hot water. You can drink ginger tea or chew ginger directly.
These are 7 home remedies and solution on how to cure stomach flu naturally at home. I hope that these solutions will be effective and helpful. For any questions you want to ask, please let me know by leaving it bellow. I will answer as soon as I can.

Almond Oil For Treating Hair Dandruff

Almond Oil For Treating Hair Dandruff

Aside from repairing and strengthening, almond oil also acts efficiently in removing dandruff by alleviating dead cells. In addition, it also helps in preventing itchy scalp caused by dandruff. Hence, treating dandruff is also one of the best uses of almond oil for hair. Here is the method.
  • First of all, take some quantity of mashed gooseberry and next mix it with the almond oil well.
  • Then, apply this mixture on your hair and keep it on for half an hour.
  • After that, wash your hair by using an anti-dandruff shampoo.
  • Daily application of almond oil will help soothe your scalp and make it dandruff-free.

Almond Oil For Stimulating Hair Growth And Hair Loss

Almond Oil For Stimulating Hair Growth And Hair Loss

This is also one of the most excellent uses of almond oil for hair. Hair fall is considered as one of the common troubles related to hair. Using almond oil to massage on the scalp may help enhance hair growth effectively. Also, it may help to prevent 
. Besides, massaging of sweet almond oil on your scalp gives strengthening qualities of magnesium and vitamins  at the hair root. Moreover, it will also protect against excessive breakage. The recipe is:
  • Daily massaging of sweet almond oil on your hair.
  • You can notice the desired result with daily use of almond oil within a few weeks